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Re-booking Request

Requests for services are checked throughout the day.  You should receive a follow up email or phone call within a few hours.

* Required fields

Contact information:
* Name
Spouse/Partner Name
* E-mail
Are you travelling with a cell phone?

- phone # - -

Can you receive text messages?

Phone number at destination
Emergency Information:
Name of Vet Clinic
Address of Vet Clinic
Phone # of Vet Clinic
- -
Name of emergency contact
Home phone
- -
Work phone
- -
Mobile phone
- -
Travel Information:
yyyy      mm      dd
Date of departure
Time :
Date of return
Time :
Date of first pet visit
Date of last pet visit
if applicable, departure flight #
if applicable, arrival flight #
Visit Information:  

Feeding instructions
Please detail the feeding requirments for each of your pets, including type of food, amount, and time of day.

If medication is to be administered during the visits, please include details about which pet requires the medication, illness, name of medication, dose, and time of day to be administered.


Every effort will be made to contact you if there is a medical problem with your pet. However, in the event that you are unreachable, I will take your pet to the vet, whether it's your regular vet, a vet of my choosing, or the emergency vet clinic. Please indicate the maximum amount you want spent on your pet during a medical emergency. Keep in mind, that the emergency vet clinic charges more than your regular vet. I strongly suggest you authorize a minimum amount of $1,000 to cover an exam, bloodwork and xrays. If the amount you want to spend is unlimited, just type in "unlimited" as the maximum amount authorized.

Type Name Authorization amount
Pet 1
Pet 2
Pet 3
Pet 4
Pet 5

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