Cats must be seen a minimum of once a day.
For vacation visits, dogs must be seen a minimum of three times per day. This can include an overnight plus a midday. Dogs are usually let out in the morning, in the middle of the day, and before bed at the very least when the owner is home, and I don't want them to have urinary tract or bladder infections because they have to go more than 8 hours without having a bathroom break. The only exception is if the dog has access to the outdoors, either in a kennel, secure yard, or via a doggie door.
Three Star Pet Sitting Services will not job share while you are away. I want to be sure that I have complete responsibility for your pet, and will be monitoring how much he/she eats and drinks daily, as well as bathroom duties. I will make exceptions when my only responsibility is for dog walks.
I require 2 sets of keys, one that is kept on my chain and another that is kept in a secure spot in my home. Keys should be made up before we meet, and tested to ensure they can lock and unlock the doors.
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